

We are here for you

Madam, Sir,


For the past few weeks, we have all been evolving in an unprecedented context, forcing us to work differently, to live differently. The notion of risk and its exposure, at the heart of our business, has never been more present. But it is emerging in a totally new form. Risk is now global and unpredictable.


In this very particular environment, our duty as risk coverage specialists is to be present by acting on our own scale and providing adapted solutions such as our international health insurance. More than ever concerned about our clients, we do our best to offer a service that is available at all times, via teleworking advisers who answer your questions 24/7.


All our thoughts are with you, families, individuals. We hope that you are all well and that you take care of yourself.


In a few weeks, a few months, it will now be up to us, risk experts, to learn from this ordeal and bring out new things, whether in terms of services or product offerings.


To all of you, courage and our sincere thoughts.

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