
Challenging the insurance industry

With PSPI Application customers now have access to a complete mapping of their assets, in real time.

Over the last few years, I’ve seen the behavior of some of our customers change and evolve. Rather than remain anchored in the model we adopted 15 years ago, me and my team at PSPI Private Insurance Office decided to follow them. And so began our ” insurance springtime”.

Because today our customers want more than just advice; they also want to play an active role in managing their assets and portfolios. They want to understand and closely monitor their assets, and have a genuine, transparent dialogue with the experts that we are.

To meet these needs, an innovative vision is not enough. We have to be able to change the way we operate, the way our services and expertise are presented.

This is the origin of our Application. Customers now have access to a complete mapping of their assets, in real time, with a constant update of all their assets and their insurance management carried out by our experts.

This Application opens a new chapter for PSPI. A chapter that will further challenge our sector, much to my delight.

I’m so happy to present you our new website & App ! Don’t hesitate to comment & share.

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